Center for Conscious Ascension
The most powerful, conscious, cutting edge tools available on Earth to manifest Heaven on Earth in your life.
Normally we analyse birth certificate names in the order they are written i.e. First Name, Middle Name(s), Family Name.
However, if the Roman alphabet As Spelt version of your birth certificate name is from one of the following countries, analyse your name in the following order: Family Name, First Name, Middle Name(s):
Originally we used to describe how to undertake this process in this section. But in practice it turned out to be far too complex for most book readers as they were generating the incorrect phonetic names. So, we have removed it as we realised that only a Soul Contract Reading Practitioner trained and experienced in phonetics could undertake this properly in order to generate the correct written english as its pronounced to match the sounds of non-english birth certificate names.
Your Soul Contract Decoded