Center for Conscious Ascension
The most powerful, conscious, cutting edge tools available on Earth to manifest Heaven on Earth in your life.
There is no zoom option available due to the hands on nature of the Training.
All days run 10.00am-6.00pm UK time
These are dependent on students being ready to commence the training on an emotional and consciousness level.
Broken down into:
Non-Refundable Deposit is 33% of the total fee = £1600 (Approx: US$2026)
needs to be received by us upon acceptance of an offer of a place on the Training in order to secure your place.
Then you pay for each module a month before commencing it.
Modules 1-2: November 2026: 6 days X £193 = £1158 (Approx: US$1466)
Modules 3 & 4: May 2027: 6 days X £193 = £1158 (Approx: US$1466)
Modules 5 & 6: November 2027: 6 days X £193 = £1158 (Approx: US$1466) less part 1 of deposit of (Total deposit £1600-part 2 of deposit £1351=£249)= £909 (US$1151)
Modules 7 & 8: May 2027: 7 days X £193 = £1351 (Approx: US$1711) less part 2 of deposit of £1351= £0 (US$0)
Use the Currency Converter for your currency
Please note: If you withdraw before the training commences only the deposit is non-refundable.
If you withdraw after you have commenced a given pair of modules , the full module pair fees are non-refundable.
Module 1: Body Consciousness Realignment, Akashic Computer, and Vow Breaking
You will be trained in the use of this fifth dimensional computer which will give you access to the necessary information to work on your clients.
The body’s consciousness is a separate, sentient being in its own right programmed to maintain the human consciousness in maximum separation from God. This process realigns the purpose of the Body Consciousness so it can Co-create Ascension with the soul, physical body and personality. This enables the body to more easily absorb the Higher Light and let go separation patterns.Vows limit our Divine expression and have the power to limit our reality through all incarnations. You will learn to channel the vows and perform vow breaking to free the Soul.
Module 2: Nephillim Soul Removal
This process removes the Nephillim soul which each human carries wrapped around the spine. This second soul’s purpose is to keep us asleep, from the knowing of Self and Oneness with God. It also holds the soul contract in place. Removing the Nephillim allows the personality to interface with the Divine at a much Higher level.
Module 3: Etheric Crystal Removal + Activation + Astral Devices
Removal of limiting fifth-dimensional crystal regulators in the etheric bodies that block multidimensional capabilities. Activation of dormant Light Language receptors and recalibration of life force energy flows. Releasing of limiting fourth dimensional structures and rewiring of fifth and sixth dimensional structures as required. Reconnection to the Oversoul.
Module 4: Divinity Threshold Recalibration
Removal of divinity thresholds in the lower back and neck. These prevent upper dimensional frequencies containing the encodements of the Adam Kadmon (Divine Man) from embodying. Recalibration of 7th dimensional flows and structures is then undertaken to ground more of Spirit into the physical body.
Module 5: Higher Light Integration
This work assists the DNA to accept more light, supports the building of the Lightbody, and prepares all energy bodies for reunification with the Oversoul. It provides a framework for the soul to come into the body.
Module 6: Karmic Matrix Reabsorbtion/(KMR)Divinity Activation
A KMR reabsorbs into the Source specific and general karmic energy patterning from all of an individual’s lifetimes at once without slogging through and processing all of the third dimensional experiences. Spirit decides which patterns are to be removed and which orientations of Divinity are to be activated. It realigns you to Spirit. It allows you to take a major step forward on your path.
Module 7: Ze-Yod Spectrum Alignment
“Ze-Yod” means “This is God.” The purpose of this work is to allow our consciousness to recognise itself as Divine. We go beyond the boundaries of form and access our multidimensional nature.
Module 8: Specialised Integrations
This will cover walk-in integration, reincarnation in the same body, soul rotations, power packs, hormonal balancing, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, ME and fibromyalgia management from a Lightbody perspective.
There is no zoom option available due to the hands on nature of the Training.
All days run 10.00am-6.00pm UK time
Broken down into:
Non-Refundable Deposit is 33% of the total fee = £1600 (Approx: US$2026)
needs to be received by us upon acceptance of an offer of a place on the Training in order to secure your place.
Then you pay for each module a month before commencing it.
Modules 1-2: November 2026: 6 days X £193 = £1158 (Approx: US$1466)
Modules 3 & 4: May 2027: 6 days X £193 = £1158 (Approx: US$1466)
Modules 5 & 6: November 2027: 6 days X £193 = £1158 (Approx: US$1466) less part 1 of deposit of (Total deposit £1600-part 2 of deposit £1351=£249)= £909 (US$1151)
Modules 7 & 8: May 2027: 7 days X £193 = £1351 (Approx: US$1711) less part 2 of deposit of £1351= £0 (US$0)
Use the Currency Converter for your currency
Please note: If you withdraw before the training commences only the deposit is non-refundable.
If you withdraw after you have commenced a given pair of modules, the full module pair fees are non-refundable.