Families, Relationships and Children

Families, Relationships and Children

Through a Soul Contract Reading, which decodes the Spiritual Map of Life, we can easily and accurately show you how the dynamics work in families, relationships and with parenting your children

This reading includes showing you where things are working positively and creatively and also the areas of friction and difficulty. We give you recommendations on how to manage these challenges.

Repeating energy patterns in your relationships through time are revealed to take you to an even deeper level of interpretation of your life compared to a birth chart only reading.

With your children we can help you develop a customised, child specific parenting strategy that is in alignment with their soul’s purpose, to allow for the full expression of their energy.

Through the understanding of your relationships, you can work much more consciously with those close to you and reach a place of great compassion for and acceptance of where someone else is in their life. This allows your relationships to become much more harmonious and loving.

We can analyse up to 12 names at a time including:

Your birth certificate name, and all the other different names, excluding nick names, you have used in your life

The birth certificate names of the different partners you’ve had chronologically. If you don’t have these then the names you knew them as

Birth certificate names of your parents due to the significant imprint we receive from them

Other significant people e.g. children, teachers, mentors, best friends, siblings

Nicolas David Ngan is one of the leading teachers of the Soul Contract Reading work in the English speaking World and first brought the work to the United Kingdom from the USA in 1990 and has been developing and expanding it ever since.

Antigony Langley is a very experienced practitioner of this work for over the past 20 years and Co-Teaches the Soul Contract Reading Level 1 and Level 2 Practitioner Trainings with Nicolas.

Book a Soul Contract Birth + Relationship Reading

A birth name + relationship reading is for those Spiritual Seekers who want all their questions about their life answered. It reveals your core  birth name interpretations and adds an even deeper layer of meaning by showing the impact on your birth name energies of the different names you have used and those of the significant people in your life through time.

This reveals the key repeating soul themes through your life and hidden relationship energetic dynamics that have made you who you are today and shows you how the soul desires to manifest your true soul purpose.

All sessions are online via Zoom and lasts approximately 1.5-2 hours. Sessions are recorded so you can listen to them again multiple times, when it feels right, to receive a deeper layer of the transmission each time.

You will be required to fill in a booking form and make payment before booking your time slot.

Please note: 48 hours notice is required for postponement or cancellation of a booked session otherwise the full fee is due.

You will need to allow a week between submitting the form and your session to give our practitioners time to complete your charts.

Soul Contract  Birth + Relationship Readings with Nicolas cost £268 (Approx. US$312, €313)

Soul Contract Birth + Relationship Readings with Antigony cost £196 (Approx. US$228, €229)

Antigony Langley is a very experienced practitioner and Teacher of this work.

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Allow your relationships to become more harmonious and loving >