Maximise Success in Business

Maximise success in business

A Soul Contract Business Reading maximises success in your business by ensuring that your business energies in the outer world become a naturally aligned expression of your soul’s inner spiritual energies: its purpose in the world

It will help you:

  1. Understand and align to your primary life challenges, abilities, drives and life purpose.
  2. Refine your business goals so they are a true expression of your life purpose
  3. Develop and express these qualities and goals in the outer world through your business  by  optimising the flow of spiritual energy from the birth name and the current/optimal name into the names of your:

>business (legal, trading, holding company)
>website addresses
>email addresses

Which will then transmit the optimal attracting energy to draw enthusiastic customers from the niche market you are addressing who are:

>very eager to do business because they are already aligned to what you have to offer as trust has already been built energetically.

This is multidimensional attracting energy optimisation, above and beyond normal search engine optimisation effects. We have found that optimising the Center For Conscious Ascension business and web name resulted in people finding us cold from Google because we got the attracting energy right. They came to us as if their best friend had referred them.

Building trust with a customer is priceless and it normally takes an average of three contacts with a business before they commit to buying something. Because of the optimal attracting energy we have been using, most of our customers were ready to commit immediately to working with us on first contact.

4. Enhance interpersonal relationships and Team Dynamics within your business to make it run more smoothly and synergistically including:

  • Finding the right people for specific positions
  • Building jobs around a person’s strengths to maximise their potential, performance, contribution and sense of job satisfaction both individually and within teams
  • Developing optimal people management strategies specifically tailored for each individual and for entire teams
  • Minimising conflict in the first place and where it does occur achieving more efficient resolution
  • Improving client, supplier, business partner and associate relationships

Maximise Success with Soul Contracts
Interview with Nicolas David Ngan
by the ‘People You Should Meet’

Listen to the interview now: (55 minutes)

Download the interview as an MP3

Held and Recorded February 11th 2010

Would you like to manifest your Soul Destiny whilst creating a business that is meaningful to you? With the rapid evolution of human consciousness, outdated business practices that aren’t aligned with nurturing the individual and supporting the planet are quickly faltering. In this fascinating interview you will learn how you can access more flow by aligning your life and business with your soul contract. You will also learn:

  • How to align your business with your Soul’s Destiny, creating more meaningful results with less effort.
  • How to use your business as a vehicle to support you in your journey of self actualisation.
  • How to run your business consciously and harmoniously in a world of rapid change and evolution.

Book a Business Reading


Soul Contract Reading: Birth + Relationships Reading.

…as the flow of your personal soul contract energies drives the way we design your business energies to ensure they are an aligned outer world, holographic expression of your inner spiritual journey. This then gives you the best chance of business success.

The time required for a business reading is:

Variable depending on the complexity of what is requested.

Minimum average preparation time is 2-3 hours and minimum average presentation time is 1-3 hours.
Total is 3-6 hours: @£142 per hour £426-£852.

Initial fee:

Is for an average of 4 hours  = £568. We work out the difference either way at the end. Usually this is completed in one session.

Payment plan available

You may have the option of using PayPal Pay Later at checkout on the registration form (select paypal checkout) provided you meet Paypal’s credit check criteria and that this service is available in your country.

Submit business names input form at the latest on the Sunday before for a reading next Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, or the previous Sunday for a reading next Monday or Tuesday. This is because readings are prepared on Mondays.

If you are on a budget, we can match you with an experienced Practitioner

Maximise Success in your Business >