Divine Healing Training Level 5

Divine Healing Training
Level 5

Heaven on Earth

The latest addition of the Divine Healing Master Key Training is at last arriving on Planet Earth.

The theme for this advanced group is simply Heaven on Earth. Indeed, living heaven is an inner choice, not a place. My vibration has been to run this group as a retreat in Corfu, Greece, which is a beautiful place with a high vibration. It is a good place to imprint the blueprint of living Heaven on Earth, which can then be taken home with you.

There are several charts on relationships, sexuality, work and learning. As with all the other levels, inspiration from the Angelics, Star Beings and Elohim are the guiding principles.

There is a wonderful set of new charts which include the following:

  • Blissful Sleep
  • Healing Sexual abuse and sexual trauma
  • Past Life Roles
  • Clearing limiting Identities and Roles
  • Heaven and Earth bud Essences
  • Needs and desires in Relationships
  • Expectations in relationships
  • Enhancing Psychic abilities
  • Activating your Gene Code
  • Work: Heaven or Hell
  • Harmonising Sensual and Sexual desire
  • Learning made easy, healing memory issues
  • Clearing Past Life sexual traumas

Next Training: 17-19 and 21-22 June 2024

An online 4 day training offered by our sister business, The Centre of Love & Enlightenment.

Teacher: Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire
Prerequisite: Divine Healing Master Key Level 4

Invite the reality of Heaven on Earth >

"From the first announcement of the Divine Healing 5 course, and the theme Heaven on Earth, I knew I had to be a participant. It has been almost a year now and I can honestly say that I am fully embracing and manifesting my heaven day by day, month by month. I have been opened to the vast realms and dimensions that hold influences effecting this experience in third dimensional life. Adding this level to my practice has greatly expanded my Divine Healing practice, and has allowed me to personally clear deeply, open for higher integrations, new awarenesses and opportunities. In a quickened and effective way I have been able to let go of stressors and can more easily own my past, and current, choices and manifestations. This was not without dedication, courage, belief and the loving and brilliant tools and support offered by Ahlmeirah. For the first time, in this incarnation, my Ego is in it’s rightful place, as servant to my Higher Self! I am eternally grateful for this work."

Linda Sloan, USA