Divine Healing Training Level 2

Divine Healing Training
Level 2

This workshop is a quantum leap above the Level 1 course in terms of its transformative power for you and your clients; another level of initiation moving deeper into compassion and expanded awareness.

Level 2 adds another layer to your Level 1 learning, allowing deeper and more powerful shifts that enhance your capacity to heal and grow.  The theme of the Level 2 Training is bringing Light into the cellular structure of the body. You will be opened up to working with your own personal healing team. This supports a deepening connection to Spirit, stronger intuition and a greater ability to be healthy and happy.

If you thought Level 1 was powerful, Level 2 takes you to a whole new place, creating greater transformations that impact your life. Practitioners experience that a lot of seemingly insurmountable programmes can be melted away like butter, so they can move to a place of much greater freedom, clarity, wellbeing and expression.


Some of the topics in the Level 2 include:

  • Brain Integration to achieve greater awareness
  • Healing your Vision, seeing the Truth
  • Teeth and Vertebrae: healing programmes locked in the body
  • Foods: Allergies/Sensitivities/Absorption
  • Healing Addictions and Addictive Behaviours
  • Miasms: clearing residual DNA programs
  • Healing with Colours
  • Interferences to Living one’s Potential
  • Judgements that affect your relationships
  • Clearing negative attitudes
  • Sacred Geometry Symbols
  • Clearing infections and their residual effects
  • Balancing your Hormones and Glands
  • Optimising the meridian flows
  • Clearing imprinted messages from others
  • DNA activation
  • Recovery from Surgery/Trauma/Shock
  • Clearing Properties and Buildings
  • Balancing Electro-Magnetic effects

Testimonials Divine Healing Training Level 2

Watch our students' feedback on their experience

The amazing thing about this course is that the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts, you will receive much more than the topics described above.

"Level 2 is like driving in fifth gear from second. It’s powerful, slick, almost like liquid and really gets to the issue quickly. There is now more of a connection with my team, which makes it even more real and powerful."

Lisa Jane Moore, Brighton, United Kingdom

"It’s just phenomenal how you’ve put it all together and how it just works. I’m left feeling very excited and positive about my future. I would recommend it to anyone who wants deep healing, fast-track healing, energetic healing, psychic surgery, whatever you want to call it! I would 100% recommend it to anyone."

Riz, UK

"It was incredible and I’m taking away the huge, huge change in my energy and the feeling of that... it’s just such a massive jump up from Level 1. I’ll also take away the fact that so much has been cleared from things I’ve been carrying around with me for years, which is just phenomenal really."

Feyona, London, UK

Next Training: 13-16 June 2025

This is an online 4 day training with Nicolas David Ngan

All calls are 12.30-8.30pm UK time

(1.30-9.30pm CET, 7.30am-3.30pm EST, 6.30am-2.30pm CST, 5.30am-1.30pm MST,
4.30am-12.30pm PST, 8.30pm-4.30am JST, 10.30pm-6.30am AEST, 11.30pm-7.30am NZST) View time zone converter

Pre-requisite: Divine Healing Training Level 1 and regular giving and receiving of sessions on a weekly basis for 3-5 months before the training.

Total Fees: £571 (Approx: US$664, €669, AUD$1040, ZAR11900)

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Secure your place with a Deposit: £193 (Approx: US$224, €225, AUD$355, ZAR4025) (Non-Refundable)

Remainder is due prior to course commencement

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Payment plan available: Typically 3 x monthly payments of £190.34 (approx US$242). 

You may have the option of using PayPal Pay Later at checkout on the registration form (select paypal checkout) provided you meet Paypal’s credit check criteria and that this service is available in your country.

Check out our packages:

Each of these unique packages have been developed in response to practitioner requests for package deals for all the trainings they want to attend.

Divine Healing Level 2 +
Divine Healing Support Programme Level 1:

Divine Healing Level 2 + Divine Healing Support Programme Level 1 £700 (8% discount on the normal price of £764, saving you £64 (approx. US$80))

Divine Healing Level 2 +
Marketing and Manifesting Your Business Training:

Divine Healing Level 2 + Marketing and Manifesting Your Business Training £862 (8% discount on the normal price of £938 , saving you £76 (approx. US$97))

Divine Healing Level 2 +
Divine Healing Support Programme Level 1 +
Marketing and Manifesting Your Business Training:

Divine Healing Level 2 + Divine Healing Support Programme Level 1 + Marketing and Manifesting Your Business Training £1015 (10% discount on the normal price of £1131, saving you £116 (approx. US$146))

Divine Healing Level 2 +
Soul Contract Level 1:

Divine Healing Level 2 + Soul Contract Level 1 £1183 (8% discount on the normal price of £1289, saving you £106 (approx. US$133))

Divine Healing Level 2 +
Soul Contract Level 1 +
Divine Healing Support Programme Level 1:

Divine Healing Level 2 + Soul Contract Level 1 + Divine Healing Support Programme Level 1 £1327 (10% discount on the normal price of £1482, saving you £155 (approx. US$195))

Divine Healing Level 2 +
Soul Contract Level 1 +
Divine Healing Support Programme Level 1 +
Marketing and Manifesting Your Business Training:

Divine Healing Level 2 + Soul Contract Level 1 + Divine Healing Support Programme Level 1 + Marketing and Manifesting Your Business Training £1627 (12% discount on the normal price of £1849, saving you £222 (approx. US$279))

Build your own package

If you’d like to attend the Divine Healing Level 2 Training alongside other trainings, you can build a custom package for the other trainings you’d like to attend in the future. Send us a list of the ones you’re interested in and we can offer you:

2 trainings = 8% discount
3 trainings = 10%
4 trainings = 12%
5 trainings = 15%
6 Trainings = 17%
7 Trainings = 19%

Contact us with your requirements

Package Payment plan available: Typically 3-4 x monthly payments

You may have the option of using PayPal Pay Later at checkout on the registration form (select paypal checkout) provided you meet Paypal’s credit check criteria and that this service is available in your country.

Repeating Student Fee:

£193 (Approx: US$224, €225, AUD$355, ZAR4025). This means you have attended Divine Healing Level 2 previously. You will receive the latest up-to-date transmission of this work.

Please note:

If you withdraw before the training commences and have not paid the balance of the course fees, only the deposit is non-refundable.
If you withdraw after you have received access to the downloadable course manuals, the full course fees are non-refundable, but may be transferred to a future training within two years.

Join This Training >

Format of the Training

This training runs online over 4 days using Zoom Video Conferencing and has a global audience. The days usually begin at 12noon and we close at 8pm GMT. We recommend you clear your diary for the duration and for a few days afterwards. It is a powerful training and all the material is learned experientially. Each healing process is learned through theory, demonstration and practice and by giving and receiving treatments with fellow students during the training. For existing practitioners, this system can be easily integrated along your existing therapies.