"I have found during the use of the Divine Healing tool that it is a key to what lies within the soul, in fact, a doorway into soul freedom and liberation when consistently applied. It is such an easy tool to use, yet provides profound results. When I attend a Divine Healing workshop, I personally receive healing on many levels and as well facilitate anothers healing which is a great gift and honour to serve spirit in this way. In the Divine Healing Level 3 workshop, I was able to facilitate a soul's re-birth which was so exquisite and extraordinary, to feel, sense and see how beautiful birthing can be. I was deeply touched and transformed by the experience and I was able to see another aspect of motherhood that was previously hidden from me. I am waiting in great anticipation for DH Level 4 and the additional gifts that it will bring into my life and the lives of others that are drawn to me. "
Star Christina Blessyng, Brisbane, Australia