table of contents
- My Soul Contract Reading
- Inspired to share and teach
- The Spiritual Map of my life
- Would someone just tell me what is going on with my life!
- The Spiritual Map of your life
- How you created your life the way it is
- How to start creating a more fulfilling life
- How to use this book
- Your Soul Contract creates your reality in each moment
Chapter 1: How you create your life
- Sound is creative
- An experiment in consciousness
- The dimensions we exist in
- How you actually create your reality
- The Law of Opposites
- Your karma is your greatest gift
- Your ego is attached to suffering
- Why you are reading this book
- The Soul Contract decoding process
Chapter 2: Decoding your birth certificate name, the Spiritual Map of your life
- Ancient Hebrew emerges from the movement
- and sound of God
- The layered interpretation approach
- The Tree of Life
- The Mother Letters of Creation
- The Double Letters
- The Simple Letters
- Number categories
Chapter 3: Methodology for creating and generating numbers
- Generating a chart: the Star of David
- Writing out the birth name phonetically
- Checking for combination letters
- Allocating the Hebrew numbers to the letters
- Assigning the Hebrew numbers on the Star of David
- Minimum number of phonetic sounds required
- Calculating the six aspects of the Star of David
- Calculating the Soul Destiny
- Calculating the three aspects for a short name with less than ten phonetic Hebrew sounds
- Brief interpretation of a name with ten or more phonetic sounds
- Case study 1: Michael William Sampson
- Brief interpretation of a short name with less than ten phonetic sounds
- Case study 2: Bart Alan 63
- Symbols associated with each of the 22 Hebrew numbers
- Channelled Soul Contract Symbols
Chapter 4: Understanding the numbers: generic top-layer interpretations
- The aspects of your Soul Contract
- An open system of interpretation
- Letting go of the judgement of your karma
- Focusing on the essence of each number
- Top-level interpretations 1–22
Chapter 5: Double Letters 1
- The Gateways
- The Directions
Chapter 6: Simple Letters
- The Organs
Chapter 7: Double numbers: 1–1 to 9–9 – aspect-specific meaning
- Deeper layers of meaning
- A specific range of frequencies to experience
Chapter 8: Combination numbers 10–1 to 22–4 – aspect-specific meaning
- A wider range of frequencies to experience
Chapter 9: The Word
- Transmissions from God
Chapter 10: Recommendations
- How to make your life happen
- Recommendations 1–1 to 22–4
- Living in the right place
- Soul Contract Frequency Based Products
- The essence of the numbers
Chapter 11: Decoding the interpretations of your Soul Contract
- Interpretation methodology
- Writing out your Soul Contract
- Case studies
- Case study chart summary for finding your numbers
- Case study 3: Stephanie Margaret Megan Taylor
- Case study 4: Maxine Charlotte Ethelle Sampson
- Case study 5: Jeri Michelle Taylor
- Case study 6: Mark Anthony Rubin
- Case study 7: Naomi Jemma Kelliher
- Case study 8: John William Taylor
- Case study 9: John Arnold Ford
- Now you know how life works
- Family, personal, parenting and business relationships
Chapter 12: The next steps
- Creating a more fulfilling life for yourself
- Embracing your life to consciously heal yourself
- You are important in the global scheme of things
- Manifesting your divine purpose
- Creating Heaven on Earth in your life
- How you are changing our Earthly reality
- In conclusion
Appendix A: Non-written English and non-English phonetics
Appendix B: More advanced applications
Appendix C: Soul Contract Readings and consultations
Appendix D: Workshops and practitioner training
Appendix E: Tools for awakening
Appendix F: Web portal for readers
Goto Preface
Copyright 2013 Nicolas David Ngan
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