This is a secure section of the portal and is only for registered users.
You need to have first registered then logged in before you can access the content of the portal which will eventually include:
Chart downloads of the Star of David and short name triangle
Initiations/alignments into the energies of the work so your DNA is awakened to it and you can go much deeper into the work
Resources such as Astrocartography to work out the best place for you to live.
Whats New keeps you updated on the latest additions to the portal like new Non-English Phonetic Translation Matrices and Events
Readings and Private Sessions
Trainings and Workshops to help you manifest much more of your Soul Destiny/Life Purpose so we can all Co-Create Heaven on Earth
Shop with MP3 downloads to take you deeper into this work and and DVDs of book events
Frequently Asked Questions about the book
A Community where you will be able to join other readers, each exploring the manifestation of their Soul Contract in their own unique way, so you can learn from and support each other in this process.