If you have French, or non-English/French phonetics in your birth certificate name, you need to convert them into the equivalent English phonetic sounds for the allocation of Hebrew phonetic sounds for proper name analysis. The conversion from French to the equivalent English phonetic sounds will be covered here.
For non-English/French phonetics, such as German, Italian, Spanish, etc, this process is under continual development.
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French Names
The basis for deciding how to pronounce your birth name is to look at the native tongue(s) of your parents. eg if your parents are French and you were brought up in a French household where French was the primary language, you just use the French To English Phonetic Conversion Process outlined below.
Mixed Language Names
However, if you were for example born to German parents who were living in France long term when you were born, you would need to check what was the primary intention of your parents with the pronunciation of your birth certificate name. You may need to look at both the German and French pronunciations of the birth certificate name. In order to decide which name gives the best fit.
Another example is if your name has a mix of for example French and non-French pronounced words in it. Each individual name needs to be converted into the correct English phonetic form eg you may have a French mother and a Spanish father with both French and Spanish pronounced words in your name.
Ensuring you have the correct English phonetic sounds
For French and mixed language names, you will need to generate your Soul Contract numbers based on the use of equivalent English phonetics as outlined here. You then test the physical and spiritual karmic, talent and goal aspects of your name by looking up their interpretations in Chapters 4-8 of the book to ensure they fit with your subjective life experience. If an aspect doesn’t sound quite right then you need to check your English phonetics to ensure you haven’t made an error.
You may also need to tweak the name a little to adjust the numbers in any incorrect aspect(s) to ensure they match your subjective life experience.
This is undertaken by adjusting some of the letters or adding additional letters to ensure the English phonetic sound is as close as possible to the sounds of the original language(s) in your birth certificate name.
The Soul Contract Reading Software (with a free trial period, followed by a small monthly payment) within the Reader Web Portal can automate the chart generation process. This speeds up the aspect testing process for you, by allowing you to quickly generate the charts for different variations on your name.
To access this click here
French To English Phonetic Conversion Process
Here are the guidelines for converting French names into the equivalent English phonetic sounds in order to generate the correct Hebrew numbers for your Soul Contract. I have found that these work in practise most of the time. I have attempted to make this as inclusive as possible. But due to the nature of the subtleties of pronunciation, the wide variety of names available, regional dialects, and the differences in the French and English languages, please regard these as a starting point for getting the correct matching English phonetic sounds. For each example given, the full explanation for the conversion of a given name is shown so that you can learn by repetition how this process works.
A. Vowel Sounds:
1. Silent vowels at the ends of names are dropped
2. Short “a” becomes “ah”, e.g. Anne becomes Ahn
2.1. The”nn” are double consonants, so we use only one as the sound is soft
2.2. Leave out pronouncing silent “e” so it is dropped
3. An “é” becomes “eh”, e.g. Mélanie becomes Mehlahne.
3.1. Short “a” becomes “ah”.
3.2. The “i” becomes an “e”.
3.3. The last “e” is a silent vowel and is dropped.
4. An “i” becomes “e” or “ee” if a long sound, this is very rare, e.g. Victor become Veektohr
4.1. The hard “c” becomes a “k”
4.2. The “o” becomes “oh”
5. “o” or “eau” becomes “oh”, e.g. Odile becomes Ohdeel.
5.1. The “i” which is a long sound becomes”ee”.
5.2. The last “e” is a silent vowel and is dropped
6. “u” becomes “ee”, e.g. Lucie becomes Leessee.
6.1. The soft “c” or “becomes “ss”.
6.2. The long “i” sound become “ee”.
6.3. The final silent “e” is dropped.
6.4. Luc becomes Leek.
6.5 The hard “c” usually becomes a “k”,
B. Nasal Vowels:
1. “an”, “en” or “ean” all become “ahng”, e.g. Jean becomes Shahng.
1.1. The “J” becomes “Sh”.
2. “ain” or “in” become “ang”, e.g. Martin becomes Mahrtang.
2.1 The short “a” becomes “ah”
3. “un” becomes “ung”. Eg. Bruno becomes Brungnoh.
3.1. The “o” becomes “oh”
4. “On” becomes “ong”, e.g. Léon becomes Lehong.
4.1. The “é” becoming “eh”
C. Other Vowel Sounds:
1. “ou” becomes “ooh” or “oo” if it precedes more vowels. eg Édouard becomes Ehdoohahr or Ehdooahr
1.1. “É” becomes “Eh”
1.2. The short “a” becomes “ah”
1.3. The final consonant “d” is silent and is dropped
2. “è” or “ê” become “ai”, eg. Éve becomes Aiv.
2.1. The last “e” as a silent vowel and is dropped
3. “ai” stays the same or becomes “ay”. eg Blaise can become Blays
3.1. The last “e” as a silent vowel and is dropped
4. “oi” becomes “oah”, e.g. Benoit becomes Benoah. Dubois becomes Deeboah.
4.1. The “u” becoming “ee”.
D. French Consonants:
1. Silent consonants are dropped as for the vowels.
2. If there are double consonants, you use only one if the sound is soft, or two if the sound is emphasised.
3. Hard “c” usually becomes a “k”, e.g. Luc becomes Leek.
3.1. The “u” becomes “ee”.
4. Soft “c” or “ç” becomes “ss”, e.g. Alice becomes Ahleess.
4.1. The short “a” becomes “ah”
4.2. The long “i” sound becomes “ee”
4.3. The final silent vowel “e” is dropped.
5. “h” is silent in French so leave it out. eg Henri becomes Ahngree
5.1. “en” becomes “angh”
5.2. The long “i” becomes “ee”
6. “j” becomes “sh” e.g. Jean becomes Shahng
6.1. The “ean” becoming “ahng”,
7. Hard “g” becomes “gh”, e.g. Magalie becomes Mahghahle.
7.1. The short “a” sounds become “ah”
7.2. The short “i” sound becomes “e”.
7.3. The final silent vowel ”e” is dropped.
8. Soft “g” becomes “sh”, e.g. Gérard becomes Shehrahr.
8.1. The “é” becomes eh
8.2. The short “a” becomes “ah”.
8.3. The silent consonant “d” at the end is dropped.
9. “q” is always written with a “ue” after it and becomes a hard “k”, e.g. Jacques becomes Shahkk.
9.1. With the “J” becoming “Sh”.
9.2. The short “a” becomes “ah”.
9.3. The hard “c” becomes a “k”
9.4. The final consonant “s” is silent and is dropped.
10. “Ph” becomes “F” e.g. Philip becomes Feleepp
10.1. The first short “i” becomes “e”
10.2. The second long “i” becomes “ee”
10.3. The “p” becomes “pp” to emphasise the sound.
11. Soft “r” in the middle of a name, it becomes “h”, e.g. Armelle becomes Ahhmell.
11.1. As the ”r” is a long sound in this case it becomes “hh”.
11.2. The last vowel “e” is silent so is dropped,
12. Hard “s” becomes “ss” if in middle or end of name, e.g. Gaston becomes Ghahsstong.
12.1. Hard first “G” becomes “Gh”,
12.2. The short “a” becomes “ah”.
12.3. “on” becomes “ong”,
13. Soft “s” becomes “z” ,e.g. Francoise becomes Frahngssoahz.
13.1. The “an” becomes “angh”
13.2. The “ long “c” becomes “ss”
13.3. The “oi” becomes “oah”
13.4. The “soft “s” becomes “z”
13.5. The final silent vowel “e” is dropped
14. “ch” becomes “sh”, e.g. Michelle becomes Meeshayl.
14.1. The long “i” sound become “ee”
14.2. “ell” becomes “ayl”,
14.3. The final vowel “e” is silent and is dropped.
15. “ll” becomes “y”, e.g. Camille becomes Kahmeey.
15.1. The hard “C” become “K”
15.2. ”.The short “a” becomes “ah”.
15.3. The long “i” sound become “ee”
15.4. The final silent vowel “e” is dropped
16. “X” becomes “S”, eg Xavier becomes Sahveeer
16.1. “a” become “ah”
16.2. “i” becomes “ee”
17. For “Yv” the “Y” becomes an “Ee” sound e.g. Yves becomes Eev.
17.1. The “e” vowel sound is slient and is dropped
17.2. The last “s” is a silent consonant and is dropped
18. The remaining consonants not covered above are generally used as written including “b”, “d”, “f”, “k”, “l”, “m”, “n”, “p”, “q”, hard “r”, “t”, “v”, “w”, “y” preceding a vowel, “z”.
What to do if you cannot get the correct fitting English phonetic sounds for your name.
If you are unable to get the correct fitting English phonetic sounds for your non-English name using the guidelines above, we offer a Name Assistance Service of Last Resort, where for a fee, a Soul Contract Reading Practitioner can assist you to obtain the correct English phonetic pronunciation of your birth certificate name.
To access this click here.